Tuesday, January 30, 2018

I will beta read your ebook

I will beta read your ebook


If you need a fresh pair of eyes to read your future bestseller,  I will give you an honest opinion and fix a few grammar errors along the way. For one gig I will read up to 50 pages of text (up to about 14,000 words).

I'll read your book through the eyes of your potential reader and will focus on different things depending on your target audience. My goal is to help your book sell better.

Things I pay attention to:

  • inconsistencies
  • story and characters believability
  • repetitiveness
  • clarity
  • flow
  • grammar errors (I am not an editor, I only catch these as I go, I don't hunt for them)


andretraiteur:Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

specialoneaka:Thank you, Thank you and thank you. You are the editor I've been seeking. Awesome delivery.

carbor:Amazing experience working with this buyer!

maxhikorski:Exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for.

carbor:Amazing experience as always. A truly unique writer and a great person to work with!

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