Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I will beta read up to 50,000 words of a novella, short story or ebook. Feedback in MS and report.

I will beta read up to 50,000 words of a novella, short story or ebook. Feedback in MS and report.


Basic: Up to 2,000 words beta read
Deluxe: Up to 20,000 words beta read
Ultimate: Up to 40,000 words beta read

I am happy to read short stories, ebooks, novellas/short novels, articles... anything you want some feedback for.

I work exclusively on Microsoft Word. Please send through your work as a doc or docx file.

To get the best out of your beta read, here are some tips:

-ask your beta reader to focus on certain elements you might be concerned about e.g.: plot lines, character motivation, realistic dialogue etc.

-edit your own work - I can edit for you (this is an additional price), but if you send through work which hasn't been proofread, it can be distracting from the task at hand.

- If you are hiring beta readers, consider whether you can implement any suggested changes. If you can't, a beta read might not be ideal.

My fiction interests include:
  • realism
  • romance
  • young adult
  • children's literature
  • chick lit
  • Christian themes
  • self help books
  • memoir

Please check with me before selecting a gig if you work features erotica, horror or graphic violence. I prefer to make a decision to take on these works on a case-by-case basis.


tiffanyjs:Brilliant works as usual. Lisa always spots things I don’t and really helps with my revisions and making my books the best they can be. Thanks!

newwrit:Outstanding experience as always. Highly recommend. Thank you so much!!

chongchen:Perfect experience! Thanks a lot!

lisamareebirch:Loved reading this book, thanks for the opportunity!

maxhikorski:Thorough and positive feedback - just what I wanted!

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