Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I will proofread your french texts

I will proofread your french texts


I'm a french student in an engineering school and I love my mother tongue, so I can proofread your french texts whatever their subject, like articles, short novels... with 1000 or a little more. I can deliver it in two days.


pompier15:As usual, a great job have been donne by mloosdregt! Merci Marc

mloosdregt:It was very nice to do business with Marc, thanks !\r\nML

katiekelaidis:Great job!\n\nThank you so much for dealing with my application anxiety!

mloosdregt:Your welcome, that was a pleasure to help you.

pompier15:Again, super great job! 5 Stars! / Encore une fois, super travail! 5 Étoiles! Marc

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