Tuesday, May 29, 2018

I will be your best beta reader

I will be your best beta reader


Please contact me BEFORE purchasing this gig.

You've written it - slaved over it, sweated over it, loved it.  Now you want an objective 3rd party to run it by before you take it to the next level.  That's where I come in!

I was beta reading long before we called it beta reading.  As an editor and writer, and perhaps most importantly, a connoisseur of words from way back, I can help you identify the strengths in your document - and its challenges.  I'll give you a comprehensive review of your book's structure, readability, character and dialog development, plot cohesion, and much more!  I'll not only point out issues with your book - I'll give you specific ideas about how to enhance it.

I'll give you honest feedback with sensitivity and respect.

Note: This gig is NOT line editing/proofing nor development editing.

This gig applies to ebooks, novels, stories, technical documents, academic papers, letters, web pages, and more.

 No brokers, erotica or present tense, please.

1 gig = 15K words; add as many gigs as you like


l0uise77:She gave extensive feedback and provided thoughtful answers to all my questions. Worth waiting for. I will definitely line up to use her services again!

georgelianos27:So glad I got this beta read. I would have missed many errors that need urgent attention.

maggiecrystal:I needed a second pair of eyes to read my writing project. Kitd56 said she would provide a general review but what I received was a comprehensive list of her opinions/writing tips/links to help me edit my project. I will be applying this same list to future writing. Highly recommend this beta-reader. Thanks, kitd56.

kitd56:I really enjoyed working with this client; I have great respect for her commitment to her craft!

destinywrites:Great at keeping you informed on where she is with your work. Here feedback was very valuable and I plan to apply to my other works. She also provided links to her comments and recommendations to further understanding of topic. Will definitely use her again.

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