Thursday, May 31, 2018

I will read and correct your Dutch text. I will also look for grammar and spelling mistakes.

I will read and correct your Dutch text. I will also look for grammar and spelling mistakes.


Hi there!

My name is Astrid. I am a 23-year old language student from Belgium and my native language is Dutch.

I want to proofread and edit your text in Dutch. I will correct
  • grammar
  • spelling
  • other mistakes.

I will deliver this gig within 24 hours.

You can always contact me if you have any questions.

Ik heet Astrid. Ik ben een 23 jaar oude talenstudent uit BelgiĆ« en mijn moedertaal is Nederlands.

Ik wil uw Nederlandse tekst doorlezen en corrigeren. Ik verbeter
  • grammatica
  • spelling
  • andere fouten

Ik lever deze gig binnen de 24 uur.

U kan mij altijd contacteren, mocht u vragen hebben.


lefrough:Fast delivery, great as always, thanks Astrid!

astriddr:You're very welcome. I'm looking forward to the next texts.

lefrough:Always great, very speedy, will be back!

lefrough:Great as usual!

astriddr:Thank you very much!

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