Tuesday, May 29, 2018

I will edit the query letter for your book

I will edit the query letter for your book


My line-by-line feedback will make your query letter to the literary agent or small press of your dreams into the strongest pitch possible. The final product will be concise, effective, and targeted to the audience of your choice. 

Feedback includes grammatical corrections, suggestions to make the text clearer and more vivid, and trimming of superfluous words (in a query, every word counts!).

For self-publishing authors, I can also give feedback on the book blurb and back cover copy.    

The $10 Standard gig includes my feedback on the first draft of your query and one revision. If further drafts may be needed (and this is not unusual for queries), additional revisions are available through the Premium gig or as an order add-on. There's also a Basic gig offer for when you feel your pitch just needs a round of polish. 


inkjetblue:I needed an expert.

tarkenberg:Thank you!

joelayden:Excellent and knowledgeable as always—a real pro!

tarkenberg:Thank you!

douglasesper:Tark is my guardian wordangel.

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