Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I will be helpful beta reader

I will be helpful beta reader


Every successful author has beta readers. They are crucial to your success. It's always better to hear your story is bad before you hit the publish button.

Your friends love you too much to tell you your story sucks or they don't understand the story structure to give you helpful comments. 

It's not their fault. They are readers, not editors.

It's impossible to look at your story objectively. I know from experience. 

My goal is to help you with specific comments so you can create more compelling read. 

Crappy story=crappy sales

I offer deeper comments than simple "I can't connect to your protagonist." or "It's boring." I like to be detailed and thorough while beta reading. 

You will be supported even after I finish with your order. You can always contact me for help after you publish your book and need an honest review (if I had a chance to read the full story) or help with social media promotion.


 This is NOT copyediting/proofreading gig.


For $5 you have nothing to lose so buy now with confidence!

Thank you! 


autoavenj:great job, fast service, thank you.

bajgajka:Great writer and buyer! I hope I will see your story published soon. :)

glupywalrus:The comments were ultimately helpful. She also went over mine two times which I think is pretty useful since that's what readers and editors will do as well.

bajgajka:Thanks, glad it was useful to you. I did my best to help you. :)))

publ1z:Great work! Highly recommended. Fast, efficient and honest

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