Thursday, May 31, 2018

I will proofread edit rewrite profile or gig description

I will proofread edit rewrite profile or gig description


If you've ever wondered why you aren't getting any orders or views, it may be worth considering looking at your gig description or profile, whether it is on Fiverr or Linkedin.

When your profile/gig description is littered with incorrect spellings or grammar this can put customers off and they may choose not to order with you.

Let me proofread and edit your gig description or profile for you so that it attracts customers.

Just give me what you have so far and I'll get to work on it!

* Experienced seller

* Happy customers

* Native English speaker

* Great reviews

I will:

  • Remove spelling amp; grammar mistakes
  • Improve flow and rewrite sections when necessary
  • Leave comments for you if I need further clarification about meaning
  • Use Word Tracked Changes so you can see what I have changed.
  • Provide you with two files: one with edits shown and a final file ready to go.

Looking forward to receiving your order. Please don't hesitate to message with any queries.


erzika:It looks great! \nThank you so much!!

rosebarlow:Great experience! Thanks so much for your custom. :)

cloudtraveler:As always, it was a pleasure to work with you. Thank you.

rosebarlow:A pleasure for me too. Thanks again for your order.

cloudtraveler:Thanks again for the quick service in high quality.

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