Monday, August 27, 2018

I will beta read your novel (up to 60k) for a flat rate of $45

I will beta read your novel (up to 60k) for a flat rate of $45


I will read your WHOLE BOOK for $45. 

I will provide constructive, honest reader feedback on your novel. While I am not afraid of being critical I also like to highlight the strengths of the book and deliver my criticism in an encouraging way.

I am an avid reader, not a wannabe editor, and will give you a reader's view of the book. I read your book on my kindle and jot down notes as I go, then compile them all at the end.

I am happy to focus on one certain area of your choice if you are looking for specific feedback, otherwise, I will give you notes in the following areas:
  • Opening chapters
  • Emotional plot-line
  • Main plot-line
  • Characters 
  • Ending

What you will receive:
  • A one to two-page report on the strengths and weaknesses of the above areas, with specific examples

I look forward to reading your book!


dmb45ewm:Awesome! Great feedback and recommendations. She puts so much thought into her feedback. All advice given is very helpful to writing a great story. Will definitely hire again.

redanvilcreativ:Exactly what I wanted, thank you. This will be very helpful. To be clear, this story is the opposite of the heroes journey, but I need to set my reader up about that from the beginning. This kind of clear, objective feedback is EXACTLY what I wanted, thank you.

amandacccc:Great working with you, and I'm really pleased you found the feedback helpful. I wish you and your book all the best! Thanks for your generous tip :)

georgelianos27:Fantastic review. Can move forward with my manuscript.

amandacccc:Pleasure working with you George, I hope your story makes it into the hands of many people. All the best, and thank you for your kind tip.

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