Friday, August 31, 2018

I will proofread 1,200 words

I will proofread 1,200 words


(1)I DO NOT proofread the following:
  • Documents related to apparel, clothing, gardening, patents, religion, and robotics
  • Entire book that is 60+ pages long (!)
(2) Purchase the Gig Extra(s) for texts with 1,200+ characters
(3) Maximum purchasable amount is $40
  • i.e. maximum of 9,488 characters
(4) Document contains both English and Japanese
  • I.e. translated document
  • I will check the quality of the translation, proofread to identify any mistakes in grammar, nuances, etc. and make or offer suggestions for corrections.
  • Price of the service (and therefore the number of Gig and Gig Extra to be purchased) will be calculated based on the SUM of the number of English words and Japanese characters (hereafter referred to as "total word count"; for simplicity, its unit is "total words"). 
  • E.g.
         ◆ 600 English words + 600 Japanese characters = 1,200 total words
         ◆ Price of the service = 5 USD, i.e. 1 Gig.

I am native Japanese and English speaker. I have lived in Japan for 10+ years and in the United States and Australia for 10+ years in total. I have TOEFL score of 112 and TOEIC score of 975.

I look forward to working with you.
Thank you.


reicabucos:Thank you!

reicabucos:Thank you!

reicabucos:Thank you!

rxnx0314:Thank you!

reicabucos:Thank you!

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