Tuesday, August 28, 2018

I will read a 5-15pgs script and provide a few hundred words of feedback.

I will read a 5-15pgs script and provide a few hundred words of feedback.


I have produced 5 short movies shot on video including student projects - all on zero budgets. I have a screenwriting degree. Am currently writing a young adult novel, 5 screenplays including some micro-budget projects which I aim to produce myself, a blog, 2 tv pilot scripts, video game storylines, short stories. And 2 x 3d animated short movie scripts each month. I've been writing large manuscripts for 21 years with 6 completed including 3 feature film scripts during my degree and a TV pilot which TVNZ liked but said they couldn't afford to produce. I've been designing games and making films since I was a kid (1993). But I'm new to art - since 2013 when I started studying at The Learning Connexion.I won a 10hr mentorship for my novel in development from the NZSA in 2012. I've finished 2 short novels and a stage play - now concentrating on writing large manuscripts and helping others with their writing.

I do not require credit for helping you.


jadrennd:Good script notes. Thanks for reading my script. Thanks for your good work.

mikebprowriter:It was fun reading this script I hope my feedback was useful, very polite client.

jadrennd:Good script notes. Thanks for reading my script. Thanks for your good work.

mikebprowriter:It was fun reading this script I hope my feedback was useful, very polite client.


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