Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I will provide professional proofreading and editing, book editor

I will provide professional proofreading and editing, book editor


Congratulations! You've finished your book. Now, why choose me to help polish your manuscript into a market-ready product you'll be proud of? 

Here are a couple of reasons:
1. I specialize in editing popular genre fiction.
2. I love watching a story transform from an artist's premise to an actual novel.  

Editing novels and books to the highest standard requires a great amount of skill and education. As a professional editor, I have helped to perfect hundreds of books during my 13-year career. Give me the opportunity to do the same to your work. I will perfect your book and make it ready for print.

I accept;






Graphic violence





I will fix and perfect;

  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Consistency
  • Readability
  • Clarity& flow
  • Incorrect word usage
  • Poor sentence structure
  • Tenses

I accept up to 100,000 words.

After editing, I will send you two documents:

  • One document with Microsoft track changes (Markups or red lines) so you can easily spot the points I made changes.
  • One clean copy that you can work with.

Kindly contact me before placing an order. 


vfr1059:She did a great job and excellent turn around. I recomend this gentle lady to anyone. And I will be tipping her soon. Just waiting on some cash flow. Thank you for your services and hope to work with you again.

katebaldree:Such a pleasure to work with this buyer! Thanks again.

tarkladi:This person, I don't know whether it is a scam or real. My problem is i already exposed my manuscripts, and I also Pray she doesn't use it to sell on amazon site as used. The work was not satisfactory, i guess it was all about the money. And she or he went ahead, to make comment on my behalf, which i didn't.

katebaldree:She choose to write bad feedback! 48 feedbacks can't be wrong. I don't pray for this client again!

mikenova1:Great service!!!

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