Friday, August 31, 2018

I will beta read and critique your writing

I will beta read and critique your writing


Not sure if your manuscript is ready to be published? Need feedback regarding plot, pacing, character development, consistency, or setting? You can expect only constructive criticism from me. 

I provide:
  • An annotated manuscript
  • In-depth analysis
  • Light editing (misspelled words, punctuation errors, etc.)
  • Helpful tips 

  • Fast delivery
  • Continuous feedback 
  • Synopsis of your story

I am a professional beta reader with seven years of experience reading fiction and nonfiction. I am willing to beta read any genre.

I look forward to making your work a reality!  

(For twice the amount of feedback, tips, and annotations, please visit my developmental editing gig.) 


cozzar:Great to work worth and provided valuable insight. Highly recomended

christyleos1:A wonderful buyer with organized content.

michellesbook:Christyleos1 was a great help. She does good work.

christyleos1:Enjoyed reading the buyer's work and she had great follow up questions.

macourtney:I was looking for some outside feed back on a graphic novel script and christyleos1 gave that to me and then some. I know have a lot to think about moving forward with my script (in a good way).

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