Friday, August 31, 2018

I will proofread and edit 3000 words. Get the best proofreading from a professional editor!

I will proofread and edit 3000 words. Get the best proofreading from a professional editor!


Hi everyone,

I have excellent  proofreading and editing expertise in any field.I will do proofreading & editing for you of any  topic as per your requirement.

I will do following job for your content,

1.Spelling correction

2. Grammar correction

3.Converting your content to bullet form

4.Addition of suitable pictures according to your content requirement  

I aim for a three days turnaround on short- to medium-length documents. If you have a document of more than 3000 words , please send me a message -- let's discuss your needs, deadline and pricing.  

I will offer FREE editing of your content until you get  fully satisfied with the content. 
You just need to let me know the topic and necessary keywords of your choice and leave the rest upon me.







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