Friday, August 31, 2018

I will be your developmental book editor

I will be your developmental book editor


**Editor of USA Today, Washington Post & Amazon bestselling novels**

 This gig is for fiction/memoir writers who are serious about taking their work to a commercial level. If you are not ready for professional criticism then it is not for you. All non-fiction (bar memoir) will be canceled if ordered. 

Developmental book editing includes:

  • In-line comments inserted into the manuscript regarding plot and character arcs, pace, tone, style, clarity, structure, and if you've adequately 'hooked' the reader. 

  • 10 - 25 min voice recording of general recommendations about key strengths, and how to improve weak points. I don't just highlight issues, but offer specific examples and solutions, focussing on commercial viability.

I specialize in long-form narrative genres including romance, YA, sci-fi, action, fantasy and memoir. No non-fiction, children's (under 13 years) or short stories, sorry!

I'm a full-time, bestselling fiction editor. My work and life have been featured in The Telegraph (UK) and "Best of Ninc" publication by Novelists Inc. (US), an exclusive association for multi-bestselling authors.

Please contact me for a custom word count.


rdpalmer:Thank you, Cate.\n\nWonderful analysis. I was very impressed with your recorded review.\n\nI have played through the recording once, but will listen to this many times to take notes.\n\nThank you, again.\nRD Palmer\n

hchogan:I'm thrilled to hear that! Thank you for the lovely feedback. :)

tommylerin:Professionally edit and proofread of our document

hchogan:Thanks, Tommy! It was a pleasure editing and assessing your opening chapters.

tucando:Great insight to the craft of writing and great opinions on my draft work.

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