Thursday, August 30, 2018

I will read your manuscript or paper

I will read your manuscript or paper


Sometimes, after reading your manuscript a hundred times, you may feel like something is missing. 

The text becomes difficult to read, boring or even sloppy. 
You know that an additional reading it is not going to solve the problem. In this case the 101's time is not the charm. 

What you really need is fresh pair of eyes, to read your text and make it flow. 

That's is my job. 


cantrox:Muchas gracias, excelente trabajo!

yarethds:Gracias por la oportunidad!!!

mswhyte:Fast, helpful, fantastic and kind

yarethds:Outstanding experience!

deb8181:I am so happy that yarethds listened to exactly what I wanted and delivered 100%~Thank You!

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