Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I will edit books, text, manuscripts, manuals, journals,design book covers, logos, etc. Contact me lets start your book from scratch to publishing. + See More

I will edit books, text, manuscripts, manuals, journals,design book covers, logos, etc. Contact me lets start your book from scratch to publishing. + See More


I will professionally format your document for layout and topography of printing.

I will do the following;

  • Will convert from pdf to Indesign file.(Custom order)
  • Edit ebooks
  • Make detailed layout
  • Check titles, spaces, references, quotes
  • Check the tables (draw it eventually)
  • Check bibliography and quotes.
  • Check the spaces, pages, the different header for each chapter, Page number, etc.
  • Convert to PDF, the final version.

Thank you for contacting me.

Je vais professionnellement formater votre document.

Je ferai ça;

  •  Faire mise en page détaillé
  • Vérifier les titres, espaces, références, citations
  • Vérifier les tableaux (le dessiner éventuellement )
  • Vérifier la bibliographie et les citations.
  • Vérifier les espaces, pages, entête différentes par chaque chapitre et partie de la thèse.
  • numéro de pages, etc.
  • convertir au PDF, la version final.

Merci d'avoir me contacté.

 !!!Passez votre commande maintenant!!! !!!! PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW!!!!


johnkingsbury:Needed document formatted by someone who understood both English and French. Thank You!

rosemoorer92:Great Buyer

gregruss55:Rose was responsive and professional - got it right the first time!

rosemoorer92:Was a pleasure helping you out.

joshkirkwrites:Rose is an absolute life saver. She provided an excellent finished draft of my book, formatted and ready to go. I will definitely be using Rose again and recommend her to anyone looking for an editor. Thanks again Rose. I will be in touch for sure.

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