Friday, June 29, 2018

I will provide a review of your short story, novella or book

I will provide a review of your short story, novella or book


I'm an avid reader, and big big fan of science fiction and fantasy.

I will provide to you:

- my honest beta reader opinion of your short story (1500 words), novella (around 20 pages) or book

- For short stories, a proofreading service can also be provided.

- I can read your work in french/english, and provide the review in french/english (or both, upon request)

- The length of my review can be discussed.

thank you for entrusting your work to me, and I'm looking forward to enter your worlds and parallel universes ;-)


nazgulina:Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

dexkwondo:Excellent reader and great detail in the review.

nicbenk:Outstanding Experience!

theangiechu:Nic did a great job with my review! It was informational and conveys the manuscript quickly to readers. I will definitely use his services again in the future :)

nicbenk:Thanks Angela ! Great person to work for !

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