Thursday, June 28, 2018

I will proofread your german text as a native german

I will proofread your german text as a native german


My name is Jana. I am a native German speaker and I'm studying English and German Language and Literature at University. Now I want to offer my knowledge about the german language to help you with any kind of text.

English is an analytic language whereas german is a synthetic one, which means that the use of proper inflections is mandatory in order to understand the meaning of a sentence properly. But it can be difficult sometimes to choose what is correct. And while focusing on the correct use of inflections, next to figuring out in what context you would use a certain word, you might end up neglecting punctuation, grammar itself, or the spelling a little bit.
Maybe you need to be very sure that your text is fluently written and every sentence makes sense. Or perhaps you are just not as confident about your german skills sometimes and would like to have the support of someone who speaks German on a daily basis.

But that is exactly what I am here for! Just send me the file you would like me to proofread and I'll gladly get to work. You can also send me a message first to discuss further details or receive an offer based on your needs. 


waidohuy:Super, thank, very helpful!

kaffeejunge:Sehr gute Kommunikation. Gerne wieder.


remmel:Very good and so fast !!! Thank you :)

redhawk11111:Perfekt, und schnell erledigt. Danke nochmal

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