Friday, June 29, 2018

I will format, edit and critique your screenplay

I will format, edit and critique your screenplay


You have a great idea for a script, you've been working hard, and you're almost at the finish line.

You've been in the writer's trenches so long that you don't know which is up.

You're passionate, that's great, but your emotions can cloud your judgment.

You need someone to be able to look at your script from an outsiders perspective. Let me be that outsider. I don't know you, but I want to know your script.

You and I both know your script is awesome. I can help you let the rest of the world know.

Who am I and why should you trust me?

I've written seven film scripts. One of the scripts was made into a feature film. The quality ranges from awful to masterpieces in waiting. 

In short, I've made all the mistakes, so you don't have to.

In particular, I'll be focussing on:

  • Grammar and punctuation
  • Formatting errors
  • Plot structure
  • Dialogue finessing

Would you mind sending me a message because I'm looking forward to working with you.



jadrennd:folks, this is high quality script consulting and notes delivered by seller\nseller, is very talented when it comes to script and movies\nawesome work

kieranmajury:Great working with you as always, can't wait to do so again.\r\n\r\nAlways provide me with everything I need and communicate what you want in a clear and concise manner. \r\n\r\nThank you.

jadrennd:Wow. Incredible seller. Very pro, honest, respective and talented.\nKnows the art and business and technical aspects of screenwriting very well.

kieranmajury:Thank you I'm happy your pleased. Your work continues to get better and better. Can't wait to see what you have next. A pleasure to work with you as always, hope to do so again. All the best.

snoopdoggy12345:got screwed

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