Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I will proofread your german, italian, spanish, russian, ukrainian text

I will proofread your german, italian, spanish, russian, ukrainian text


"Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth."

Good evening Fiverr and Welcome to my GIG (you get plus points if you recognize the quotation ;) )

I am Nicholas, part of a team of language-enthusiastic native freelancers putting our passions and our love for the written words at your service. We are proud to offer a FAST and RELIABLE service in German, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish - and more to come hopefully :)

This GIG offers a plain and simple eradication of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
NB: This is not suited for all kind of translations/texts We will provide you first a general evaluation of the quality of your translation - i.e. if it makes sense to purchase our services or if it would be better to start from scratch.

If your text is longer simply purchase the correct amount of GIGs or contact me for a custom order.

We can might offer custom services such as rewriting, restyling, editing, hunting for for le mot juste. This has however a higher cost and needs to be discussed beforehand.


mirco1967:lavoro ben fatto

mirco1967:Lavoro veloce e ben fatto.

nicholaszgb:grazie mille!

sonyvalusek:Excellent work! Nicho is highly recommended!

nicholaszgb:Always too kind :) thank you

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