Friday, June 29, 2018

I will proofreading german content and translations

I will proofreading german content and translations


Proofreading written German Content and/or Translated Content into German (from Englisch) - if you have a huge content (Books, ebooks, websites..) just contact me before with the word count

Gig #1
Just normal proofreading for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes. If needed, the corrections will be made in Word with Track Change or I can correct the mistakes direct in the document.

Gig #2
Normal proofreading for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes PLUS checking the style of the content - therefore it is important to know, what kind of clients/readers you want to catch and where the content will be published. If needed, the corrections will be made in word with Track Change or I can correct the mistakes direct in the document.

Gig #3
Proofreading German content PLUS checking the translation from English (and only (!) from English to German). Also important is to know what kind clients/readers you want to catch, where the content will be published and if there is already anything translated and published. If needed, the corrections will be made in word with Track Change or I can correct the mistakes direct in the document.


nuvisionforlife:Perfect and fast! Great experience!

dilan312:Liebe Susi,\n\nvielen Dank für die super Arbeit! Hervorragendes Fachwissen, extrem schnelle Bearbeitung, sehr netter Kontakt. Bei meinem nächsten E-Book werde ich mich gerne wieder an dich wenden, wenn ich darf :)\n\nLG

cometabby:nice and he respond me quickly



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