Friday, March 30, 2018

I will correct, rescript or proof read your english fast

I will correct, rescript or proof read your english fast


Ensure that you get your message across to the English speaking world perfectly!

I will correct and re-script up to 200 words of written English for a fiver.

Please be aware that this is a top quality gig, in which each project will get my full attention.  I do not use grammar correction software or algorithms.  All work is done by hand.

I am a native British English speaker and a graduate of Philosophy and Ancient History.

No job too large or small.


florianschwind:Where is the sixth star? If you need proofreading done right, consult David.

buchstansangur:Thank you! Great to work with Florian as always!

florianschwind:Perfect as always!

buchstansangur:Always a pleasure!

gaudeval:Thanks a lot as usual !

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