Saturday, March 31, 2018

I will professionally proofread, edit, AND provide feedback on up to 2500-words.

I will professionally proofread, edit, AND provide feedback on up to 2500-words.


I have over 1,700 5-star reviews on my profile!

I am a professionally trained writer, editor, and proofreader with over 6-years of experience providing editing and proofreading services. In this gig, I will provide you with a minimum of 1,000 professionally edited and proofread words in just TWO DAYS. No other provider on here provides such a quick turnaround!

With my gig, you can expect:

  • Editing services by ONLY ME (I do not outsource)
  • Prompt replies and a finished product returned in just 2-days
  • Tracked edits in Word Document
  • Expert feedback on the provided document
  • Unlimited access for asking me questions

I was professionally trained as an editor during my time as the Managing Editor for my college newspaper. From there, I worked as Press Coordinator for NYS Assemblymembers and political candidates. I was tasked with proofing all materials before they were submitted to news agencies.

I have experience editing and proofreading eBooks, regular books, tax documents, press releases, blogs, scientific documents, legal documents, social media posts, and columns.

If you have a document longer than 2,500 words, message me! I will gladly accommodate.

Let's get to work.


hpyotuto:First time buy, her work much better than I expect! will buy again!!

joshuarh20:Best person on Fivver to work with period!

danfekete:Alexandra did exactly what we wanted and provided us with high quality work.

faswaldo:Thank you very much!

stagesllc:Thank you so much!!! Commas and semicolons were clearly missing in action from my document but you, the punctuation Rambo, rescued all of them. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

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