Friday, March 30, 2018

I will do proofreading and editing, proofreading

I will do proofreading and editing, proofreading


                                             HI YOU LAND ON A PERFECT PLACE 
I will read your document word-for-word and make necessary correction where it’s needed. It is advisable to hire the service of a professional editor after a writing session, most especially if the content is meant for the public. 

I provide PROFESSIONAL, SECURE and CONFIDENTIAL proofreading and editing services.

What I check for

Ø  Grammar, punctuation, and quotation errors

Ø  Spelling

Ø  Typographical Errors

Ø  Comma Usage and Splices

Ø  Capitalization

Ø  Run-On Sentences

Ø  Tenses

Ø  Apostrophes

Ø  Logical Flow and Sentence Structure

Ø  Rephrase poor sentence structures

Ø  And much more

Your document would be delivered back to you, polished, clean and GRAMMATICALLY PERFECT! I use Microsoft Word Track Changes as standard to keep track of all the changes made in your document. 

NOTE: I accept ALL kinds of documents.







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