Wednesday, March 28, 2018

I will meticulously edit your novel or short story

I will meticulously edit your novel or short story


The old adage 'kill your darlings' means cutting our favourite, precious and self-indulgent passages of writing for the greater good of our stories. That's a tough ask. After all, they're called darlings. We're often too close to our writing to notice our mistakes, from spelling errors to structural inconsistencies. Sometimes we need a second set of eyes to add that extra level of polish - and iron out those darlings. 

That's where I come in. My packages are flexible to meet your needs: 

The basic copy editing package is most suitable for writing that needs a final level of attention to detail. I'll spot the errors computers miss. 

The line editing package is most suitable for diamonds in the rough. With an emphasis on word choice, tightening your paragraphs and snappy dialogue, I'll help your writing shine. 

The critique package is most suitable for writers seeking honest feedback on the impact of their story. Alongside a copy and line edit, we'll discuss how to improve your writing and, of course, how to kill those darlings.  


sigmazed:As always, this seller delivers. You could probably see from previous reviews of mine on this seller that I only have good things to say about killyourdarling's services. This service has everything you need. Look no further, you have arrived at the one stop shop! Excellent service!

killyourdarling:Outstanding Experience!

sigmazed:Thanks to killyourdarling's services, I feel like I'm becoming a better writer. Scott points things out that I wouldn't have thought about otherwise. I've been able to take his feedback and not only make the novel we are working on greater, but my writing overall has improved. I would recommend these services to all levels of writers. Excellent!

killyourdarling:Outstanding Experience!

mirandachang:I needed help with my short story, and the seller gave me very helpful notes on how to elevate it even further!

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