Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I will read your work through once, leaving inline comments and end-of-file feedback

I will read your work through once, leaving inline comments and end-of-file feedback


Stuck with plot, characterization or dialogue issues? Need help with outlining and structuring your book? Or just want someone to read what you have so far and point you in the right direction? You need a beta reader, and I'm here to help.
With 14 books under my belt as a writer, over another dozen as a ghostwriter, and over 20 as an editor, I've just about got the hang of this writing business.
Send me your work, and I will answer your burning questions honestly. I'll tell you what's working, and give you pointers on how to improve.
As this is a beta reading gig, I won't focus on spelling and grammar. Instead, I will look at the big picture, and help you refine and hone your style and voice.
Basically, you send me the text and tell me what you need help with, and I will give you constructive feedback.

  • Betaread file must be delivered in Word .doc or.docx format
  • Includes inline comments as a reader, giving you an insight into the emotional impact of your book
  • Includes feedback report with editorial comments and advice, saving you time and money making costly mistakes in book development
  • You can even choose the level or critique from gentle to no-holds-barred.


se6bell2901:I have no additional comments at this time.

gailseymour:Outstanding Experience!

renaissancewrit:SUPER helpful insights I never would have thought of myself! This feedback has given me a lot to think over and it will greatly improve my novel. She even did some proofreading and editing and went above and beyond. thanks!

gailseymour:Outstanding Experience!

ncpeditor:Great work and excellent feedback!

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