Sunday, September 2, 2018

I will proofread and edit your content up to 1000 words.

I will proofread and edit your content up to 1000 words.


You've written a text but the grammar and punctuation need checking. Let me polish it for you.

I'm a qualified nurse with over a decade's experience. I hold a post-grad in public health and have a thorough understanding of the academic system. I've been writing content for more than ten years and editing and proofreading for five years.

I will polish your essays, articles and other texts using track changes so you can see the changes I've made and okay them yourself.

If you need me to review more than 1000 words, simply purchase the correct amount of gig extras. Please note, I may take longer to edit texts of over 6000 words. Contact me directly and I'll be happy to give you a quote.

What I will do:

  • Catch errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation
  • Check for tense issues
  • Check the sentence structure, writing style, consistency and readability
  • Check capitalisation, abbreviations and redundancy
  • Leave you notes and suggestions in the sidelines when there is something I don’t understand

What you will receive:

  • A Word document with the track changes visible.
  • A ‘clean copy’ with all the changes accepted.


arsanyh:Outstanding Experience!

lauraparr:As always, a great experience. Thanks, Arsany!

csmblue92:Very fast delivery. Content with service.

lauraparr:Great communication. I would work with this client again.


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