Tuesday, September 4, 2018

I will provide you an ebook people want to read.

I will provide you an ebook people want to read.


Did you know that 90% of people will instantly stop reading your article when they see spelling or grammar errors? That's why I work hard to make sure your document or article is perfect. With over six years of articlewriting, proofreadingandeditingexperience, I can spot out mistakes that many proofreaders would miss. I will proofread and edit anydocument

I deliver 2000 words in 48 hours. But if the amount of are not in the gig extras, simply message me and I will send you a custom offer

For just $5 you will get a fully professional proofreading and editing service.

I will check for:

  • Punctuation error
  • Grammar error
  • Plagiarism
  • Readability
  • Redundancy elimination
  • Spelling, and Sentence Fluency perfected for each order.
  • Professional formatting

I work on mass projects like:

Novels, Erotica, Manuscripts, E-Books, Articles, Essays, Speeches, Blog posts, Websites contents, Business plans, etc.

No order is too large, Available 24/7

NOTE that the maximum amount of words that can be turned around within 48 hours is 2000 words.

Please message me before you order

I guarantee that you'll be happy with myservice first time



liviaproofreads:Great experience, quick delivery. Highly recommended

sarahcontent:Great experience. Thanks!!!

ricaugustine:Great product! Fast delivery! Skilled! I recommend.

skelvin:Terrible. I found a huge number of mistakes the second time around. Misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, words that were capitalized that should not have been. I don't even think this person did anything. Totally does not know what editing means.

sakura1967:I appreciated Sarah's work.

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