Monday, September 3, 2018

I will proofread and copy edit your writing

I will proofread and copy edit your writing


Hi there! I'm Jovani.

I'm a graduate of 2 prominent United Kingdom universities and was born and raised in the Island of Barbados; a Caribbean country where the native language is the Queen's English, and whose population boasts a 99.7% literacy rate.

My experience with presenting written English clearly, concisely and correctly spans over 16 years. I have worked with businesses, groups, individuals and multinational corporations to fix the fluency, grammar, punctuation, readability, spelling, syntax, verbiage, word usage, etc. of their documents.

I strive for excellence in everything I do. You can invest in my services with confidence; your disappointment is not an option!

Have any comments or queries for me? Feel free to contact me directly; I am courteous, honest, responsive and straightforward.

Need a document larger than 1,000 words proofread and/or copy edited? Have a specific deadline? I'd be more than happy to furnish you with an offer customized for your needs.

My deliveries will comprise of: 1 Microsoft Word document with Word's 'track changes' feature enabled, and 1 Word document with my tracked changes accepted.

I look forward to working with you!


polyikpal:Greate work, thank you!

legacine:You're welcome.

matteoandpanda:Another fantastic edit! My absolute favorite Fiverr! Such a gifted writer.

legacine:Thank you very much for your kind words!

khvitaliy:Yes, he went extra mile to get it done.

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