I will proofread your document up to 1500 words

My name is Véronique and I am French. I was born in Paris and I live there.
I can proofread and correct all kind of texts you have written in French.
If necessary, I will reformulate your text or parts of it. My corrections concern all aspects of written French: spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, conjugation ...
The corrected document will be delivered in your preferred format (.doc, .pdf, .odt, etc.).
I have already proofread and corrected CVs, cover letters,
Master's theses as well as two edited books of more than 200
I have a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in linguistic and communication from the Universities of Montpellier and Rouen.
I have taught French in French middle schools and high schools for ten years.
My time-zone is UTC/GMT+2 (Paris,
France). Please, keep in mind that I live in France
and that I would probably be sleeping when you send me a message
or an order. Thanks!

catalimartinez:Véronique est très professionnel et son travail est impeccable!\nMerci beaucou!!!!
jokari63:Merci à toi !
catalimartinez:Véronique, merci beacoup, très bon travail!!!!!\nJe recommande viivement ton travail
jokari63:Merci pour ta confiance ! \nExcellent buyer!
clarabelk:Rapide et efficace!\nMerci pour ton boulot.