Thursday, February 6, 2020

Proofread Up To 1500 Words In Portuguese In 24Hs


Did you receive a Translation into Portuguese, and you want to be absolutely sure that it is 100% perfect?

Are you currently learning Portuguese and need to have your work proofread before submitting it?

Are you currently working on any kind of paperwork in Portuguese but this is not your first language?

I will proofread up to 1500 words for spelling, grammar and punctuation, as well as lightly for style (wordiness, ambiguity, awkward sentences, etc.). I'm a freelance Portuguese journalist, extremely efficient when it comes to proofreading - I've been working for six years now as editor-in-chief of an online website, checking thousands of articles and essays to this day before publishing them. 

Feel free to contact me! Thank you.



Solid experience!


I needed to have a large document revised and proofread


I asked freedomrun to take a look at a work I had translated into Portuguese, and he gave me the confidence I needed to trust my translator 100%.


Excellent work, thank you!


Very satisfied with the purchase. Would recommend 100%.

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