Saturday, February 1, 2020

Proofread And Edit 2,000 Words Within 24 Hours


Have you ever given a written piece of serious work to a colleague, superior, friend, or loved one only to have them start giggling halfway through because you've used "whom" instead of "who?"

Perhaps you've found yourself excluding an oxford comma because you thought it was the hip thing to do, and now you've got an unfortunate sentence on your hands?

Or maybe you're a chronic user of the wrong 'there' or 'too.' Did you know that 85% of the population suffers from these mistakes?

I have no idea if that last statistic is true, but I do know that if you suffer from any of the above mistakes (or many more unnoted ones), then I can certainly be of assistance.

I will carefully go over your document or manuscript and provide professional and quality feedback. I will edit for spelling, syntax, grammar, punctuation and more.

Basic Editing up to 2000 words: I'll check for spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation and make sure your document is easy to read, concise, and professional.

Rewrites: Having trouble putting your thoughts into words? I will help you do a moderate rewrite of your text to help your manuscript sound more natural, clear, and fluent.


Seller's Response:

The best guy on Fiverr!

Seller's Response:

Always a treat, thanks again for thinking of me!

Seller's Response:

Zak is the go-to guy for all your editing needs

Seller's Response:

Delightful client, always happy to work with Stella.

Seller's Response:

Thank you so much, Zak!

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