Saturday, February 8, 2020

Be Your Best Beta Reader


Congrats that you have finished it. You have worked hard on it, slaved over it, sweated over it, loved it.  Now you want an objective and honest 3rd party to go over it before you take it to the next level.  

That's where I come in!

I was beta reading for a very long time now,   just as I have been an editor and a writer. Now, what I can help you do with your work is to identify the strengths and its challenges.  I'll also give you:

A comprehensive review of your book's structure

*Its readability

*Pace and flow

*Readability and reader engagement

*Dialogue credibility 

*Character development

* Plot cohesion

 I'll not only point out issues with your book - I'll give you specific ideas about how to enhance it.

I'll give you honest feedback with sensitivity and respect.

Note: This gig is NOT line editing/proofing nor development editing. I Will point out some corrections on the way, though.


Seller's Response:

Great job! 10/10 : )

Seller's Response:

Great feedback regarding the MS I sent over. It was nice to hear from the reader's perspective!

Seller's Response:

Great information. Letting me know how far i am in this project.


Thank you for the experience.


Fantastic. Very helpful. I will be back. Highly recommend!

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