Sunday, April 29, 2018

I will proofread, edit and translate your italian text in 24h

I will proofread, edit and translate your italian text in 24h


If you need proofreading and editing, or you need to translate your text into italian, you're in the right place! I'm a native italian speaker, born and raised in Italy, with a strong passion for foreign languages, english in particular. I work everyday in an english environment in the IT field.

If you have technical text to TRANSLATE (health, law, etc.) contact me first, please.


simonkupchan:Excellent service. Professional knowledge. Thank you.

fabiorevo:Thanks for your feedback! Also, 5 stars for you! :)

dorian57:Perfect as usual! Thank you very much

fabiorevo:Can't express how wonderful is to work with Dorian57. I'll let the 5 Stars (shame I can't give you 6 or 7) speak for themselves :)

maxp85:Excellent job as always :) Thank you!

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