Monday, April 30, 2018

I will proofread and edit 5,000 words within 24 hours

I will proofread and edit 5,000 words within 24 hours


I'm a professional editor with 10 years of experience who will edit and proofread up to 5,000 words in 24 hours or less. I have a keen ear for grammar, style, and organization, and I can edit anything, fiction or nonfiction. I guarantee that you'll be 100-percent satisfied with my work.

Examples of the projects I accept:

  • Ebooks (fiction or non-fiction)
  • Novels
  • Blog posts
  • Marketing
  • Resumes
  • Cover letters
  • E-mails (personal or business)
  • Short stories
  • Manuscripts
  • Technical documents
  • Legal documents

What you will receive:

  • One document edited using MS Word Track Changes
  • One document with all edits accepted and comments removed
  • Screenshot of track changes panel

Myproofreadingandeditingservice includes:










All of this will be delivered back to you, clean and polished,within 24 hours!I always deliver on-time and often ahead of schedule.

If you have any questions regarding my service, or what I can do to help you, please feel free to send me a message.


mattcline:Great. Fast, quality and easy.

kimberly_edits:Thanks for hiring me.

kaltunabeeb:She gets the edits done fast for my project . I’m happy to have fresh pair of eyes on my project

kimberly_edits:Thanks for hiring me for this project. I hope to complete this project.

pattyfish:I really enjoyed working with this seller, she is very passionate about her work, and very patient. Would recommend for future use.

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