Saturday, July 28, 2018

I will provide feedback for less than 100,000 words

I will provide feedback for less than 100,000 words


We have all been there, just finished a perfect novel, believe it’s the best thing since slice bread. The proofreader finds no grammatical errors. The novel is perfect and ready to be published; however the book is not ready to be published. It is missing the crucial step of a beta reader.

As a beta reader it is my job to provide feedback to the overall story. I will help the writer correct any plot holes and provide feedback on characterization, plot dynamics, and flow. As I read through your novel/short story I will provide notes throughout the story using Microsoft Word’s comment feature and tracker. Please remember, as a beta reader, my goal is to focus on the overall story. This will not be an intensive edit. However, I will be sure to mark items that I feel could be typos or small grammar errors.

I am willing to read any genre. I am fine with reading sexually explicit materials too. Some of my favorite genres include fantasy, science fiction, and romance. If your genre does not fall in this range, please do not let this deter you from contacting me. Writing is an art, and I will appreciate any subject that is given to me.


tusacm:Vey specific feedback. Will derfinitely use Matt again. Highly recommended!

mag6659:Outstanding Experience!

alex_seagram:Loved working with him! Honest comments. Will work with him again

amyerks:Excellent feedback. I highly recommend this beta reader.

manncher:The seller provided an honest and detailed critique. Story strengths were acknowledged. Weaknesses were pointed out and ways to improve were offered. I am very pleased with the results of this Beta Reader. FIVE STARS!

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