Monday, July 30, 2018

I will be your book editor and professional proofreader

I will be your book editor and professional proofreader


I will professionally and meticulously proofread and edit your book, I will go through it word by word and make sure everything is in great shape.

There is a high possibility you will miss a lot of tiny details because you are too close to your content. Using a fresh pair of unbiased eyes and my years of experience in this field, I will weed out all errors in your book and deliver a flawless document.

I will proofread and edit for:

  • grammar;
  • punctuation;
  • spelling;
  • sentence structure;
  • consistency; and
  • overall readability.

The final product will be a well-organised and structured content that your readers will find relatable and easy to understand.

I accepts documents of any size. I will use track changes and leave comments where necessary.


allenwei123:Very professional! Will use the service again!

iluv2proofread:Outstanding experience.

lealoncar:Great work, quickly done!

iluv2proofread:Outstanding experience!!

swarthydaisy:Good communication.

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