Saturday, July 28, 2018

I will proofread your 500 word document in one day.

I will proofread your 500 word document in one day.


I will proofread your 500 word document within 24 hours of receiving said document. 

My services include the following: 
  • proofreading
  • correct awkward sentence structure
  • correct grammar, spelling and punctuation
  • eliminate unnecessary repetition

My exceptions: 
  • No porn
  • No graphic sexual content
  • No horror
  • No plagiarized work, spinning or rewriting
  • No UK English, sorry

My inclusions:
  • blogs
  • ads
  • short stories
  • web content
  • presentations
  • any 500 word document
  • letters, business or personal
  • I will comment on content if asked

I am a professional, have raised eight kids who are all bigger than me and am not afraid to tell you the truth about your writing. I have home schooled for 27 years and have taught them all to write and write well. Some of them have won awards for their writing.

As a writing instructor, I instructed famed author Amanda Hocking, before her fame. 
I also instructed famed author Curt Rude. 

I mentally correct everything I read, right down to the church bulletin. I've been a published author for more than 25 years and self-edit on a regular basis. Years of living with my brilliant autistic daughter has taught me to never take the English language lightly. 


courtenaymorgan:Efficient and precise.

triciak:Fabulous to work with! Thanks so much!

femmegurly:Thank you for your service.

triciak:Thank you!

proslideshow:Highly recommended! Fast and professional service!

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