Friday, March 13, 2020


If you're looking for a highly experienced editor who has worked with clients via publishing companies and directly on a range of fiction and non-fiction, look no further. I have experience editing both adults and children's books and love to work with clients to develop their ideas.

Your developmental edit is the first stage of the editing process, and the developmental edit helps you see where you can develop your storyline, characters etc. Although many writers feel anxious at this stage of their writing, I find all have come away from the developmental edit with renewed enthusiasm and ideas. Please have a read through my 5* reviews, it's a process to enjoy.

I work at a deeper level with your text, analysing both Content and Structure. My role is to help your manuscript reaches its fullest potential, and all feedback is constructive.

Some of the areas I look at are:

  • Structural changes:  Paragraphs/Sentence Length
  • Theme
  • Premise
  • Tension
  • Pacing
  • Characterisation
  • Setting
  • Dialogue inconsistencies and Tone

Please note, the developmental edit is not the same as a final proofread. You will require a copy edit/proofread to ensure your manuscript is prepared for publishing. 


Seller's Response:

It was a pleasure, I highly recommend.

Seller's Response:

Thank you. Best wishes with your project.

Seller's Response:

I'm impressed about quality of your work. Thank you very much.

Seller's Response:

Thank you, and wishing you the best

Seller's Response:

Money well spent. Had a friend that wrote a book and regretted not running his book by an editor prior to publishing. I made sure to do this when I chose to write a book. This service was exactly what I needed to steer the uncharted courses. Forego a few cups of coffee or drinks on the town to invest into curating a quality manuscript. The World will thank you later.

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