Sunday, January 12, 2020

Write A Great Crowdfunding Ad Script For Video


With over 124 Supered Reviews.

The quality of your crowdfunding video script can be the difference between a successful campaign that gets funded quickly and one that flops. No doubt!

Not only does your campaign need to effectively communicate your brand story and grab the attention of potential investors, but it also needs to be treated as a marketing campaign that can help you reach new customers and generate sales.

Think about it, your ad is potentially the salesman and my dexterity is the magic wand.

Having raised a lot of funds for startups in crowdfunding to date, this gig draws on all of my successful investment experience to copy-write the script for your pitch video completely tailored to the needs of your chosen platform and your campaign.

Your Crowdfunding Ad script is safer with me than it will be with anybody else.

Kindly hit the order button or reach out to me if you have questions.



Seller's Response:

Thanks so much

Seller's Response:

Outstanding Experience!

Seller's Response:

very good


Thanks again.


great service

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