Monday, January 27, 2020

Proofread And Edit Your French Text To Perfection



Any doubt about the accuracy of a French text ?

I will professionally check it for you and edit it in a flawless French.

For $5, I will provide proofreading for errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and syntax 

I will track, spot and correct any single mistake.

French is a very tricky language, being a French teacher I can guarantee a flawless grammar, a perfect word spelling, pristine sentences syntax and structure and accurate verb conjugations.

What is included in this Gig ?

  • Proofreading of up to 500 words
  • Delivery is set to 3 days in case I am really overbooked but I usually deliver much faster ! Feel free to contact me about my availability.
  • Separate document with tracking of my corrections

Gig extras

Deep copy editing (+5 $ / 500 words) : I will improve readability of poorly structured text by correcting the flow and re-structuring the style.

If your text is a Google translate document, you might need that extra :)

Note: I will not check the accuracy of the translation (that's another extra)

In-depth Translation Comparison (+10 $ / 500 words) (see FAQ below)

Your satisfaction is my main concern



Seller's Response:

I asked him to proofread and that's exactly what he did. Thank you!

Seller's Response:

My pleasure. Always welcome!

Seller's Response:

service client hors pairs :-)

Seller's Response:

C'est un vrai bonheur de travailler avec toi !

Seller's Response:

Excellent work as always!!!

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