Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Alpha Read Your Romance Novel


I will ALPHA READ 5,000 words of your manuscript.

This entails reading your unedited rough draft to offer suggestions and constructive critique. I will thoroughly review your work and answer any other concerns you might have with the purpose of making this a great experience for you.  

Feedback includes:

  • plot
  • pace and flow
  • character development
  • pov
  • engagement
  • dialogue 
  • grammar and typos


Seller's Response:

Adelaydah is talented and insightful. A pleasure to work with. You need her skills to help further your work. Highly recomended!...

Seller's Response:

This client was a pleasure to work with! I can't wait to hear from them again!


Adelaydah's service exceeded my expectations. The feedback she provided will definitely help the story grow. The best thing about Adelaydah's feedback was that she didn't say what to change or how to change it. She only wrote what worked and what didn't. The rest is up to the writer. Great Alpha Reader! I recommend you try Adelaydah's services.


Outstanding Experience! Great buyer!


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