Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Proofread And Edit Your Writings


I will proofread and edit for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and redundancy. 

I will also reorganize your paragraphs and layout if they seem disorganized. 

I can also critique your writings and suggest improvements (formulation, clarity, etc.)

Example of projects that I will do for you:

  • blog posts
  • cover letters
  • resume content
  • e-mails
  • short stories
  • essays
  • etc.

Feel free to message me first if you have any question or if you're not sure if I can edit your project.


Je vais relire vos projets et corriger la grammaire, l'orthographe, la ponctuation et la redondance.

Je vais aussi réorganiser vos paragraphes et leur mise en page s'ils me semblent désorganisés.

Je peux aussi critiquer vos projets et suggérer des améliorations (telles qu'une meilleure formulation, plus de clarté, etc).

Exemples de projets sur lesquels je travaillerai pour vous:

  • blog posts
  • lettres de motivation
  • contenu de CV
  • e-mails
  • histoires courtes (nouvelles, fictions, articles, etc)
  • dissertations
  • etc.

N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions ou si vous n'êtes pas sûrs que je puisse corriger vos projets.


Seller's Response:

Thank you for a high quality service


Fast response, very fast delivery - I'll be back


Great and quicj


She is very clear and concise in her suggestions and definitely improved upon areas that were unclear. I definitely recommend. And she also has a quick turn around time (5000 word short story)


Trip was very clear with what he wanted me to do with the story I reviewed for him, and it was a pleasure to read and help him work on his writings! I wish him all the success with this story and the ones that are coming after this one.

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